Our Homestead Explained (In less that 400 Words!) l Hill Country Homestead Texas

Our Homestead Explained (In less that 400 Words!) l Hill Country Homestead Texas

From wild foraging, planting crops or shopping for sustainable products, the way food is sourced is a lifestyle choice. A choice every family and individual has to make on a daily basis. We make our choices together, pictured below is a lovely scene of a family meeting in the garden. Our children love to hear us lecture them on the nutritional content of local seasonal produce and they find it incredibly interesting when we fill them in on the latest chemical free food movement updates going on in our global economy. Just kidding, they aren’t huge fans of it but it does give us an opportunity to have educational conversations with them as we work and harvest the land that provides for us. I was interviewed by the Texas Wildflower a while back about our ‘out of the ordinary’ lifestyle and shared with Pamela a little bit about what we do and why, and the food values we strive to pass down to our children. Check it out!

Here are a few family photos that illustrate our life on the homestead.

Family Meeting

Permaculture is a system of agricultural and social design principles centered around simulating or directly utilizing the patterns and features observed in natural ecosystems.

Youth in Agriculture

This approach guides us to mimic the patterns and relationships we can find in nature and can be applied to all aspects of human habitation, from agriculture to ecological building, from appropriate technology to education and even economics.

Start Em Young!

By adopting the ethics and applying these principles in our daily life we can make the transition from being dependent consumers to becoming responsible producers. This journey builds skills and resilience at home and in our local communities that w…

Want to educate yo-self? Here are some awesome links and a great place to start! Links links links!

What is Permaculture?

What is Organic Farming?

Modern Homesteads

Millennial Homestead Movement

Why Sourdough Bread?

Chemical Free Food Movement

Sustainable Agriculture

Have any questions for us? Ask away!

Organic Free Range Chicken and Sourdough Dumplings In the Instant Pot I Hill Country Homestead Texas

Organic Free Range Chicken and Sourdough Dumplings In the Instant Pot I Hill Country Homestead Texas

Wild Country Homestead Update : Texas Hill Country Homestead

Wild Country Homestead Update : Texas Hill Country Homestead